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What Does The Pandemic Mean For Ad Creative And Marketing Plans? Several New Studies Offer Strategies

By Pierre Bouvard
To understand current consumer reactions to advertising creative, we consulted some of the experts in marketing effectiveness and leading creative evaluation firms for insights and recommended strategies for local retailers and national brands. Here are the takeaways.

Drive-To-Web Attribution Case Study For Jewelry Retailer: AM/FM Radio Generates Site Traffic, Plus Creative Performance Insights

By Lauren Vetrano
Westwood One partnered with LeadsRx, a marketing attribution platform that measures website visitor traffic increases after consumers are exposed to advertising, to study online behavior for a major jewelry retailer during their recent national AM/FM radio campaign.

Proving Radio Works with Measurement: Welcome To The Golden Age Of Radio Attribution

By Pierre Bouvard
Four executives from companies leading the radio attribution revolution presented brand new studies and insights on a panel called “Proving Radio Works: Attribution and Measurement” at Radio Ink’s Forecast 2020 conference yesterday. Here are some of the highlights.

First-Ever Podcast Creative Test Gives Brands a Playbook to Drive Branding, Messaging, Reputation and Call to Action

By Pierre Bouvard
For the first time, we’ve tested podcast ads through a partnership with Advertising Benchmark Index (ABX), a creative testing service that evaluates every type of brand creative across all media. Here's what we found.