Holidays Drive Spending: 4 Upcoming Retail Opportunities

By Lauren Vetrano
Springtime is here, which means summer holidays are right around the corner. Consumers celebrate with barbecues, traveling, and spending time with their families. But mostly? They shop. Holidays drive spending. In the next few months retailers will have major opportunities to reach consumers heading to the store with AM/FM radio.

4 Reasons You Should Be Advertising In Westwood One’s NFL Coverage

By Pierre Bouvard
It’s never too early to start thinking about football season. As the official audio partner of the NFL, Westwood One offers advertisers the opportunity to reach a massive audience of desirable and engaged consumers and add incremental reach and frequency to television campaigns.

The Evolving Digital Audio Landscape: Pandora Is Down, Spotify And Broadcast Streaming Radio Grow

By Doug Hyde
With so many digital listening options available, what is resonating with consumers? Here’s a look at current trends in the digital audio landscape according to Triton, provider of ad insertion technology and streaming measurement for the digital audio marketplace.

Nielsen Infographic: The Six R’s Of Radio

By Brad Kelly
Radio is an integral part of media consumption for millions of Americans. For some advertisers, radio is the best kept secret in media. In order to better tell radio’s story, Nielsen created “The Six R’s of Radio” -- remind, register, reinforce, relate, reach, and return. These are key attributes of radio that can help advertisers build winning media plans.